Wednesday, December 31, 2008


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This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Full Details of the Search Result

Full Details of the Search Result

house prices are likely to drop by 50%. And even that will only bring them back to fair value

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Google Maps

Google Maps
82 Morse Ave
Dedham, MA 02026

more info » $200,000 increase less than a year! Real estate is longterm (30 years) investment

The seller shouldn't pass on the cost of the remolding to the buyer in the shortterm!

"All the gold that lies beneath the moon,

Or ever did, could never give a moment's rest

To any of these worried souls."

— The Inferno; Canto VII

three "markers" to occur before he turns more bullish on the US economy:

1) The personal savings rate needs to return to the 8% level of the late 1980s and the early 1990s. Last year the savings rate even turned negative for the first time since the 1920s, as people started believing they could retire on the back of soaring asset prices. Now the reverse is happening: saving must rise again from the present 2.5%, so as to store up demand for the next bull market and period of economic expansion, reckons Rosenberg.

US personal saving rate
2) House prices have to hit bottom. For Rosenberg, this means the inventory-to-sales ratio, which "including total vacant units for sale, plus foreclosed properties", is around 17-months' supply, and should be sliced in half. All that housing stock could still take several quarters to work through.

3) The household balance sheet needs to improve sharply. The ratio of total debt to income, now at record levels, must be reduced. But specifically, the interest coverage ratio , the proportion of household income absorbed by principal and interest payments is currently at a near-record high of 14.1%. It needs to drop to 10.5%. That's the level it fell to in 1992, and 1982, in both cases providing a launch pad for multi-year bull markets and economic expansion. But remember that there's never been a recession with household debts as high as they are right now. So maybe this ratio needs to fall even further.

Perhaps that sums it all up. As Rosenberg puts it, economists base their forecasts on the past, yet we're in uncharted economic territory. New York University professor Nouriel Roubini has said that total credit write-downs in the financial system could reach $2 trillion – we've never seen anything like that before. We certainly don't know how bad the fallout might be on the US economy. That all makes end-recession estimates very open-ended.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

*i've waited for years,i've taken all the chances, i've cried so many tears, ive seen a lot of faces, i had so many fears 'til my heart stopped searching....

FIGHT FOR YOUR LOVE, thats all they say.LET HER KNOW & DON'T LET HER GO, is what they think of. IT WILL WORK OUT is what they believe in. SET UR HEART FREE, is wat they see. but how can i......when for you ITS NEVER ME?!!!

It's a lovely feeling to stand on top of a hill & to feel
the touch of the cool soft wind, it's the same feeling
whenever I hear your voice & see you smile.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Chatham lookout

The nature of Life and its processes lies for ever outside the ken of the physicist and his instruments.
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flower child

Eternity means freedom from Time and Space
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first light

Is reincarnation a fact?
Do we live again?
Is there a grand cycle of Life which knows of no mortality?
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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Mystery Power

South corresponds to the element Fire in the season of summer.
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Wednesday, January 2, 2008


New beginnings, renewed hope, innocence, renewal awakening,enlightenment,and illumination are gifts and powers of the Spirits of the East.
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

day at the beach

You must try to understand the relation of the world to its Creator, and to understand that all that is real is of God.
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The master of Destiny

In the depths of quiet forest,where the place and beauty of the worldwas an ever-present witness to the majesty of God
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having fun at the beach

To fight against these evil forces, one must control the individual vibrations just as is done during hynosis.
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Sunday meeting place in Chatham

Let us, then, no longer be fools, but let us learn to understand the art of living.
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walking to the boat

The Clairovant can see a radiance surrounding the human head, not to mention that given off by the other mind cenres of the body
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Faith Healing

Faith-healing puts the horse in front of the cart of life once more.
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How to get what you want

A right attitude of mind is the key to the secret of success.
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Spend time in Chatham, MA

Powers that be Oriental hynotism is one of the secrets of the Yogis.
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runners run against traffic

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